CamWood Insider Tee
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This Tee Comes With 1 Standard Stem & The Insider Rod!
The impact resistant rod prevents hitters from casting. The Insider Tee is an excellent tool to prevent players from casting the bat when hitting. With it’s impact resistant rod, the player must stay inside the rod and teaches them to stay inside the ball.
CamWood Drill Pro Tee
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The Drill Pro Tee Comes With:
Drill Pro Tee Base
2 Standard Stems
1 Insider Rod
The dual tee design allows for multiple drills. The impact resistant rod prevents hitters from casting. Designed for players from the high school level to the professional level. The dual design allows for multiple drills and is color-coded for easy set up. Red mount openings are used with right-handed hitters Yellow mount openings are used with left-handed hitters
Insider Rod
The Insider Rod is screwed into the back of the tee in order to prevent the player from casting or coming around the ball. The objective is to stay inside the rod while hitting! If the player casts their hands and comes around the ball, they will hit the rod.